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Digital Imaging/Grossing Table



Ergonomic, Mobile Grossing Workcenter with Digital Documentation of Surgical Specimens

State-of-the-art tool system for gross tissue dissection
This all-in-one grossing workstation has been specifically designed to integrate state of the art tools and standardization into a 21st century system for gross tissue dissection.
eGROSS is the first to incorporate the digital power of specimen identification and dissection documentation, introducing a standardized image documenting protocol.
 - It captures digital documentation enabling innovative laboratories to pursue high  quality.
 - Assure quality at the source of tissue selection and cassette generation from  gross room throughout histology to the pathologist’s desk.
 - Enhance process documentation, safety, flexibility and cost-effectiveness.
 - Simplification and standardization in pursuit of the “virtual” and dictation-less lean  laboratory operation.


Arman Novin Shafa Co.LTD.
Unit 11, 3rd Floor, Sepidar Building, Kavoosifar Avenue, North Sohrevardi Street
Postal Code : 1577655737
Tehran, Iran